Do you yearn for a slimmer waistline? – Are you an apple or a pear?
With regard to body shape the “apple” shape has slim arms and legs with most of the weight centred round the abdomen. The “pear” has the slim waist and carries weight in the arms and legs. While we all want to be what we are not, there is one fairly serious concern about carrying weight around the waist.
Being the quintessential apple shape, I have, all my life, carried any weight I had around the abdomen. Now there is a point to this tale!! Late in life I was diagnosed with L.A.D.A. – Late onset auto immune diabetes in adults. Yep I was blown away, but fitted perfectly into that “apple” category. According to diabetic research it is known that visceral or internal fat inhibits the normal function of insulin and in fact is a classic warning sign that I quietly hoped would “go away”.
Kilos lighter now with my arms and legs looking more like twiggy sparrows legs, I feel wonderful and am enjoying the unexpected pleasure of having lost the “apple” around my waist. And the point to this story is I am now feeling my core muscles in working in a way that was masked by any fat (no matter how little) around the muscles. Put simply, it too hard to tighten a tummy that is padded out with both internal and external fat. Trust me I know.
So for those with back pain, weak pelvic floors, rotator cuff soreness or any joint pain, a slimmer waistline and stronger core could be the solution.