Welcome to our blog and while the year is new our principles never change. Switch on your core muscles, yes right now and especially while you sit. Functional core stability and practical postural control is the essence of our classes. The more you switch them on the stronger they get.
My commitment to myself is to keep striving for the fitness of my dreams, to really feel good in my skin. We want that for you too. Of course that takes commitment, hard work and sacrifice but hey…..what comes easily can’t be valued. It sure is worth it when you get there.
New mums, take one day at a time, babies develop on a daily basis and sooner than you think you will have that good night’s sleep. Babies can never have too much sleep, so watch carefully and respond to baby’s sleep signs. Nap when they do, nap as often as you can. Restoring your core muscles, and yes of course your pelvic floor, comes in its own time. The more you exercise your tummy, back and pelvic floor the sooner they return to normal but your priority is your baby right now. Exercise when you can, eat the best healthy food and don’t beat yourself up about a bit of baby weight – your modelling career can be put on hold!!!!!